The following notes are the result of several meetings with the staff at the existing Greenwood Middle School to review the design of the New Greenwood Middle School Project:
The room setup before the meetings |

FIRST FLOOR PAN MARKUPFirst floor Plan adjustments discussed:
- A second Concessions Stand will be added near the south entry. This room may have a connection to the Health Room which will also be used as a Hospitality Room when needed.
- The Bookstore was added after the last meeting. It will be located at the southeast corner of the Commons. This room will be modified to have a dedicated entry and exit to help student traffic flow. A counter will be provided in the room to take orders. The room may not be as big as the current Bookstore, however it will be lined with casework and should be a more efficient storage layout.
- The open area near the Principal's Office will be modified to accommodate the Principal's Secretary.
- Half-height walls will be added in the Cafeteria to serve as lunch detention area.
- The Cafeteria will be reviewed in more detail with the Food Service Director next week.
- The Health Room is currently typically used for ISTEP. the proximity to Band can be problematic for this, or just conducting normal class. Testing can now occur in another locations (Community Resource Room) Acoustic separation of the Band Room from the rest of the building should also isolate the noise from other spaces.
- The Coaches' Room and the AD Storage room should be swapped to allow the Coaches' office to be adjacent to the locker room. A door from the Office in to the Locker Room should be provided.
- Building Storage is needed somewhere to accommodate Student Council, Fourpaws, and Read-n-Feed with caged dividers.
- Gym storage rooms will be added along the south wall of the main gym. Gym storage rooms should be considered for access control so Athletics does not steal PE space and vice versa.
- Gym Lockers
- The secondary corridor at the Locker rooms will be deleted and the locker rooms will be expanded.
- Box lockers should be provided for every student (1000 total) and changing lockers should be provided for 40 in each locker room.
- The PE Office should have a direct connection to the locker rooms for supervision.
- Number of toilets in the classroom wings is a concern because the students don't have enough time during passing periods to use the restrooms with the number of fixtures they have. The layouts will be revised to increase the number of fixtures without increasing the overall square footage.
- The number of fixtures in the Faculty Restrooms should also be increased if possible. Secure locks on the faculty restrooms should be considered using staff swipe cards to keep student away.
- Science:
- The two Science Rooms on the end will be set up similarly to conventional science labs with perimeter cabinets with sinks. Epoxy top tables will be provided in the room that can be set up in classroom style or pushed against the perimeter to make lab workstations. Outlets will be placed in the face of the perimeter cabinets at every station.
- The Room sandwiched between the Science Labs will become a Projects Room.
- A connecting Storage Room for each Science Lab will also be placed between the two labs.
- Science Labs require only hot and cold water. No gas or air is required.
- A teacher's demo station will be provided in each lab.
- Resource Rooms will utilize a demountable partition (furniture) to break the space into 2.
- Team rooms will be used by staff and could include a copier. A operable partition will separate the room ito 2 haves.
- Music
- The Band Room will be slightly reduced which will allow the support spaces to expand.
- The number of Band practice rooms could be reduced.
- A third ensemble area should be provided if possible. Options outside of the Music area were discussed (such as the Wrestling Room)
- A sink and water fountain will be added to the Band Office.
- The Choral Room should include movable risers to accommodate 70 students.
- Storage is needed for 20 keyboards in the Choral Room.
- The number of Choir Practice Rooms can be reduced to 2.
- the Choir Library can be incorporated into the Choral Office.
- A mirror with sliding markerboard in front on rollers should be provided in the Choral Room.
- Windows should be provided between the Choral Ensemble and the Choral Room
- Site
- The bus turnaround loop is a great place for flagpoles. It was suggested that there be 3 flagpoles at this location; one US flag, one State of Indiana flag, and one Greenwood Schools flag.
Second Floor plan adjustments discussed:
- Provide storage rooms for FACS and Industrial Tech.
- The Cardio Room should be designed to accommodate 30 people. This will allow the room to decrease in size and provide space for a larger Industrial Tech shop.
- Glass should be provided between ITE shop and stations area..
- The Computers Rooms should add support spaces between the rooms. One of these rooms should be for recording (podcasts, etc.) and should accommodate 4-6 people. The room to the north should be the computer office .
- The podcast room should also accommodate a green screen for video production.
- Computer labs should be setup with perimeter workstations or in rows for single point viewing of all screens. Outlets will be placed around the room so the room can be used in either layout.
- A processing center may be added in the Media Center to house central copier, laminator and other special reproduction needs.
- A data room will be added near the entrance to the second floor mechanical room.
Third Floor plan adjustments discussed:
- The Team Room will be a Resource Room similar to the 1st and 2nd floors.
- The area across from the elevator is unassigned space. This space will likely be used as Building Storage.